THF signs cooperation agreement with THF Asia


SEOUL, Korea (May 23, 2022) - The Taekwondo Humanitarian Foundation (THF) today signed a cooperation agreement with Taekwondo Humanitarian Foundation Asia (THF Asia) to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and strengthen efforts to secure funding for mutual projects.



This agreement will allow THF to develop its project in Asia, notably in South Korea, and in Thailand in the coming months. UNHCR is already involved in the discussion.


THF Asia will continue to coordinate projects to support refugees and displaced people through Taekwondo at a continental level from its base in South Korea. Under the agreement, THF Asia will work closely with the THF on education and reporting and will donate a portion of the funds it raises to the THF.


Speaking during the signing ceremony, THF Chairman Chungwon Choue said:

“We are delighted to sign this agreement with THF Asia and strengthen the cooperation between our two organisations. It is our ambition to have THF entities in each of the five Continents which are responsible for the coordination of THF projects within their regions. It is important that as the overall body, the THF works closely with each of these Continental organisations to maximise efficiency and ensure we are providing the best possible support to those who need it most.”


The THF last year signed an agreement with Fondazione Italiana Taekwondo (FIT) to strengthen its presence in Europe. The THF plans to sign more cooperation agreements with the aim of enhancing its presence across the five continents in order to help more refugees worldwide.