World Taekwondo opens candidate applications for election 2021


SEOUL, Korea (May 12, 2021) - World Taekwondo has opened the process for candidates to apply for the available positions in the upcoming election at the World Taekwondo General Assembly on 11 October 2021 in Wuxi, China.


The available positions are:

  • One (1) President
  • Seventeen (17) Council Members
  • One (1) Auditor


Candidates have until 11:59pm (local time In Korea) on 11 July to fill out the Candidate Application Form and all required documentation (found here) and send to election@worldtaekwondo.org.


The age limit for those seeking election is seventy-years old for first-time candidates, and eighty-years old for candidates seeking re-election.


In order to reflect the global diversity of taekwondo, the Council members shall be elected according to the following distribution:

  • Four (4) shall be elected from Asia
  • Four (4) shall be elected from Europe
  • Four (4) shall be elected from Pan America
  • Three (3) shall be elected from Africa
  • Two (2) shall be elected from Oceania


In addition, at least one female member per Continental Union must be elected. The female candidate who receives the highest vote shall be promoted to Vice President. This will be an effort to improve the gender equality and strengthen the gender equity.


In recognition of the unique and challenging travel restrictions faced this year, as well as to respect the principles of democracy and maxim predication, World Taekwondo shall offer virtual (online) voting for this year’s election.


The election 2021 is held in accordance with the WT Statutes approved by WT General Assembly e-vote conducted from April 30 to May 7 and the five (5) Continental Unions will also have the elections according to each CU Statutes in alignment with the WT Statutes.


More detailed information and candidate profiles will be published on WT website at