World Taekwondo contributes to virtual IF Forum 2020


LAUSANNE, Switzerland (November 5, 2020) - World Taekwondo Council member and Olympic medallist, Sarah Stevenson, and Chair of the World Taekwondo Medical Committee, Dr. Dae Hyoun Jeong, were among the speakers at the International Federation (IF) Forum on 5 November. 

Stevenson joined a panel session on Crisis Management, alongside Adam Baker, Safety Director, Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA); Dr. Maurizio Barbeschi, Senior Adviser to the Executive Director, WHO Health Emergencies; and Thomas Kurth, Secretary General Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM). Speaking on the panel, Stevenson emphasised the importance of maintaing engagement and motivation among junior athletes during the pandemic. 
Dr. Dae Hyoun Jeong presented a case study on limiting and mitigating exposure to COVID-19. 


Dr. Jeong spoke of how World Taekwondo, like all IFs, has been affected by COVID-19 and has cancelled or postponed all recognised competitions this year to protect participants’ safety. Dr Jeong stressed that limiting and mitigating the risks of COVID-19 was one of the top priorities for World Taekwondo and the Medical Committee has developed its guidelines and protocols for ‘safe-return-to-competition and training’ based on ‘WHO's key planning recommendations for Mass Gatherings’ guidelines.

Dr Jeong introduced how World Taekwondo has encouraged the hosting of national championships and organising training sessions which implement special health measures such as screening and sanitary requirements, disinfection and use of facial shields. Dr Jeong explained the importance of taking a realistic approach to hosting and planning each level of sporting events and expressed his hope for the gradual and eventual resumption of sporting events.  
The IF Forum 2020 was held virtually for the first time and explored how sport and society can emerge stronger from the global crisis