[Outline] 86th Kyorugi IRS & Kyorugi 100th IRRC 26th Poomsae IRS & 24th Poomsae IRRC


The 86th International Kyorugi Referee Seminar & The 100th International Kyorugi Referee Refresher Course

  The 26th International Poomsae Referee Seminar & 24th International Poomsae Referee Refresher Course


  1. Promoted by : The World Taekwondo Federation (WTF)
Address 5th Fl., Kolon Bldg., 15 Hyoja-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea 03044
Tel +82 2 566 2505 Fax +82 2 553 4728
E-mail Web-site


  1. Organized by : Pan American Taekwondo Union
Address 8001 SE Powell Blvd. Suite O, Portland, Oregon 97206, U.S.A.
Tel +1 503 970 8928 Fax +1 503 777 7071
Contact Person for O/C

Mr. Rick Shin / PATU Secretary General

Mobile: +1 509 970 8928



  1. Dates and places
Date Place Event
May 24-27, 2016 (4days)

Holiday Inn Downtown, Everett /

3105 Pine Street, Everett, Washington, USA98201

The 86th Kyorugi IR seminar & 100th Kyorugi IR refresher course
May 29-June 1, 2016 (4days) Xfinity Arena of Everett / 2000 Hewitt Ave., Everett, Washington, USA98201

The 26th Poomsae IR seminar

& 24th Poomsae IR refresher course


  1. Accommodation

(1) Holiday Inn Downtown, Everett : 3105 Pine Street, Everett, Washington, USA98201

Type Room rate (USD) Remark
Single room USD116 Including Breakfast
Double room (2 persons) USD58 Including Breakfast

* We would like to encourage all participants to reserve their hotel accommodations at the above HQ hotel for the convenience of participation in IRS & IRRC.


  1. Qualifications of participation

(1) Poomsae Coach

  1. Poomsae coach recommended by the president of member national association is eligible to participate in the 26th International Poomsae Referee Seminar & the 24th International Poomsae Referee Refresher Course and only WTF graduation certificate will be given to coach.
  2. Attendance fee of USD200 for Poomsae coach should be paid to O/C
  3. However, in case recommended Poomsae coach who participates in the 26th International Poomsae Referee Seminar or 24th International Poomsae Refresher Course, he/she does not have to pay attendance fee of USD200. (Only have to pay pertinent attendance fee for the 26th Poomsae IRS or the 24th Poomsae IRRC)
  4. Participation of Poomsae coaches are limited to only coaches for 2 days and time table will be notified in due course.


(2) The 26th International Poomsae Referee Seminar (All requirements should be met)

  1. Holder of Kukkiwon 4th Dan or higher
  2. Recommended by the president of member national association to which the applicant belongs.
  3. 25 years old or older (Applicants who were born on December 31, 1991 or earlier are eligible, ex) 2016-1991=25)


(3) The 24th International Poomsae Referee Refresher Course

  1. Holder of WTF International Poomsae Referee Certificate


(4) The 86th International Kyorugi Referee Seminar (All requirements should be met)

  1. 21 years old or older (Applicants who were born on December 31, 1995 or earlier are eligible, ex) 2016-1995=21)
  2. Holder of Kukkiwon 4th Dan or higher, however, 2nd & 3rd dan holder from newly affiliated national association or the national association undergoing Taekwondo development.

Newly affiliated National Association or National Association undergoing Taekwondo development means:

- Member national associations that are provisional members of the WTF

- Member national associations the period of whose membership in the WTF do not exceed two years since its recognition as a full member

- Member national associations that are included in the list of `Least Developed Countries’ designated by the United Nations

- Member national associations with the total number of 3rd class and P class International Kyorugi referees not exceeding ten (10) irrespective of the number of International Kyorugi referees of 2nd class and higher.

  1. Holder of national referee certificate in case the pertinent nation to which the applicant belongs conducts national referee certification system.
  2. The one who has good command of oral & written English language.
  3. Recommended by the president of member national association of the WTF to which the applicant belongs.
  4. Maximum participation quota per each country is five (5)

(Host country’s maximum quota is fifteen (15)

(5) The 100th International Kyorugi Referee Refresher Course

  1. Holder of the WTF International Kyorugi Referee Certificate
  2. IR who paid annual fee up to year of 2016


  1. Attendance fee
Event Attendance fee
The 26th Poomsae IR seminar USD300 (Three hundred U.S. dollars)
The 24th Poomsae IR refresher Course USD100 (One hundred U.S. dollars)
The 86th Kyorugi IR seminar USD300 (Three hundred U.S. dollars)
The 100th Kyorugi IR refresher course USD100 (One hundred U.S. dollars)
Poomsae Coach USD200 (Should be paid to OC)


  1. Method of Payment

- Attendance fee for the 86th Kyorugi IRS & the 100th Kyorugi IRRC and the 26th Poomsae IRS &

the 24th Poomsae IRRC must be paid through the WTF on-line banking system as follows;

Please click on the appropriate language to initiate the payment process.

For payment in English,

* Attendance fee for Poomsae coach should be paid to OC.


  1. Application

(1) Completed application form should be sent to the WTF by e-mail or fax to the following:

E-mail:         Fax: +82 2 553 4728

(2) Completed hotel reservation form should be sent to O/C via email.


(3) Deadline for application : by no later than May 11, 2016


  1. Things to prepare

Writing utensils, Taekwondo uniform(White color) and sports shoes, photo (1 passport size)


  1. Visa & Transportation

OC will not responsible for attaining USD entry visas for participants, transportation from and to the airport for all participants.



1. Application form_26th Poomsae IRS.doc
2. Application form_24th Poomsae IRRC.doc
3. Application form_86th IRS.doc
4. Application form_100th IRRC.doc
5. Application form_Poomsae coach.doc

Thank you.