April 18, 2023
Invitation to Apply to WT Committees [Deadline: May 1, 2023]


World Taekwondo (WT) is currently searching for highly qualified candidates both from within and outside the Taekwondo community to join its Permanent Committees. WT is seeking individuals with specialized skills to help navigate the increasingly complex international environment and is particularly interested in candidates who can foster gender balance, athlete representation, and diverse and innovative decision-making practices.


The Permanent Committees play a crucial role in shaping the policies and strategies of WT. With the global reach and influence of the sport, the committees require individuals who have a deep understanding of the issues and challenges facing Taekwondo today, as well as the ability to offer creative solutions.


WT has released a Calling Notice and Application Form for interested candidates. The deadline for submission of the Application Forms to nominations@worldtaekwondo.org is May 1st, and the organization encourages individuals who possess the qualifications and drive to contribute to WT's future development to apply.


WT recognizes the importance of finding exceptional candidates who can help shape the future of the sport. The organization thanks all individuals who share this information and encourages potential candidates to apply. Together, WT aims to build a more diverse, inclusive, and successful future for Taekwondo.


1. Calling Notice
2. Candidate Application Form
3. WT Integrity Code
4. WT Conflicts of Interest Policy