- Education
- Ph.D., Tourism, Hanyang University
- M.A., Arts Management, the City University London, UK
- M.A., Public Administration, Seoul National University, Korea
- B.A., Law & Public Administration, Chung Ang University, Korea
- Career / Occupation
- President, Gwangju Biennale Foundation (2021-)
- Former Vice President, Chung Ang University, Korea
- Former Chairman, Korean Association of Arts Management
- Sports Practiced
- Taekwondo, Walking, Handball
- Sports Administration
- Sports Career / Accomplishment
- Former Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism
- Awards and Distinctions
- 2nd Grade, Order of Service Merit (2009)
- 4th Grade, Order of Service Merit (2002)
- Presidential Citation, Republic of Korea (1992)
- WT History